Monday 23 March 2015

Occupation of an idle mind

I have been meaning to write this for a long time now. Actually, what am I saying? I have been writing to write so many things for a long time now. Time and laziness just got in the way. But I have been writing, yes, I have. Verse by verse, stanza by stanza. It is almost formless and thoughtless, but the reason it took so long is because I have been contemplating so much about forms and the thoughts in between to make it seem otherwise. So much for writing, I digress.

I am grateful for all the God has given me. As I embark on my last year as a.. well, very young person, I am indebted to God for bringing me this far, and always being with me. There were unpleasant times, and I dare say it is an understatement, where I have been tried and of course, if God hasn't been with me, my physical self can hardly be expected to be typing this, even as it typed on a different keyboard with a trampled spirit. To be fair, it has been good mostly, outwardly at least, so I am thankful. Many, God has sent, as blessings to me, and well, blessings are shall I put it, comforting, to say the least. So it is hard to put it..and it is hard to achieve, but I pray, with the guidance of God, that I could be a blessing to many, even as the young adult age approaches. Of course, I am quite specific. Specificity is necessary when you are striving to achieve something, without saying. But for now, I shall leave it as this. I have not fully developed in thinking and well, there are many factors.

Like, for example, my pituitary gland releasing unnecessary signalling molecules at strange time and in strange amounts it interferes with my rational thinking preventing useful things from happening and triggers useless occupation of the mind with idealism and of the body with luxury like penning the thoughts which relentlessly occupy the mind.

There I have said it. Foolish as it is, it is still happening. And I have been writing, yes, I have. Verse by verse, stanza by stanza. It is almost formless and thoughtless, but the reason it took so long as because I have been contemplating so much about forms and the thoughts in between to make it seem otherwise. So much for writing, I digress, again.

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