Monday 25 July 2016


in silence we sat at the edge
of the night, waiting for the Sun 
no moon, just an outline of your 
shrinking figure, and it was there 
'the world is so alone,' you mused
and watched the prophesy fulfilled

in silence you sat alone, 
and lose yourself in thoughts 
jeopardising, you wondered if you're
still sane, and it was there
'the world is so alone,' you mused
and found company

No longer silent, the serpent whispered
vile and corrupt, things of the world
to you, sheltered child, and your
senses now twisted, it was there
'the would is so alone,' you mused
and he mused with you.

Will you sit in silence again?
and implore me to sit with you
as if the Sun may never come up. your 
skewed perception of 'being there'
'the world is so alone,' as you will muse
and air dirty linen out

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Lone souls

It's a painful thing to live and exist, in the crowd full of extraordinares.
The warriors shaken, the vase is broken 
We keep falling into the enemy's snares 
like a cassette tape, that lost its memory
Tragedy keeps on playing over and over 
we lost that spirit of 'dance and be merry' 
And for Narcissus now do we labour 


It is the twentieth and hurrah, a new year. 

Was it a month ago or today? I can't seem to remember but I shouldn't be that obsessed to remember such things. Still it burns my cheeks to remember what I did the last time, and whether you remember, that naught was spoken except your inquiry. It is such a shameful thing to do and I realised the foolishness of it only after you broke the silence and jolted my consciousness awake. I would have said something, I would have waited to say something, or I would have waited for you to get frustrated and even chide me from the other end. I would have, but I couldn't bear myself to accept rejection in adamant retaliation about professionalism and the like. And tis a shameful thing to have even been done. 

And when I hastened away, what I forgot to say, was all I have to say.

Hello, Happy birthday.