Tuesday 2 August 2016

A hood no longer binding

Go back to where you came from,
Crawl back into the realm of nothingness and immorality, to the darkness and beyond, we have no need of you and your serpent tongue. Deceit is your asset, inspired by narcissism and self-adoration, gratitude does not reside in your abhorrent mind, neither does the truth in your heart. Your glibful tongue, your scheming mind, a testimony against you. Crawl back to where you came from. The sooner, the better. For the sake of everyone (not that you'd care), do humanity at least one favour. 

Monday 25 July 2016


in silence we sat at the edge
of the night, waiting for the Sun 
no moon, just an outline of your 
shrinking figure, and it was there 
'the world is so alone,' you mused
and watched the prophesy fulfilled

in silence you sat alone, 
and lose yourself in thoughts 
jeopardising, you wondered if you're
still sane, and it was there
'the world is so alone,' you mused
and found company

No longer silent, the serpent whispered
vile and corrupt, things of the world
to you, sheltered child, and your
senses now twisted, it was there
'the would is so alone,' you mused
and he mused with you.

Will you sit in silence again?
and implore me to sit with you
as if the Sun may never come up. your 
skewed perception of 'being there'
'the world is so alone,' as you will muse
and air dirty linen out

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Lone souls

It's a painful thing to live and exist, in the crowd full of extraordinares.
The warriors shaken, the vase is broken 
We keep falling into the enemy's snares 
like a cassette tape, that lost its memory
Tragedy keeps on playing over and over 
we lost that spirit of 'dance and be merry' 
And for Narcissus now do we labour 


It is the twentieth and hurrah, a new year. 

Was it a month ago or today? I can't seem to remember but I shouldn't be that obsessed to remember such things. Still it burns my cheeks to remember what I did the last time, and whether you remember, that naught was spoken except your inquiry. It is such a shameful thing to do and I realised the foolishness of it only after you broke the silence and jolted my consciousness awake. I would have said something, I would have waited to say something, or I would have waited for you to get frustrated and even chide me from the other end. I would have, but I couldn't bear myself to accept rejection in adamant retaliation about professionalism and the like. And tis a shameful thing to have even been done. 

And when I hastened away, what I forgot to say, was all I have to say.

Hello, Happy birthday. 

Thursday 23 June 2016

Is that inherent, or nurtured - the art or, lack thereof, of having no conscience or empathy, embedded in narcissism and self-pity?

Absolutely revolting.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

10/5/16 and I'm still thinking

When I see you, 
If I see you, 
I think I'll run and hide, 
And try to forget that I still think 
Of improbable possibilities a year 
After you left and you 
No longer remember or know 
Who it was that slid a silly poem (or two)
Who it was that you deceived with your smile and a little nod 
Who it was that you do not care for 

But if I see you, if I see you, 
I think I'd forget to breathe 
I'd turn crimson and my cheeks will burn 
And perhaps croak out a hello

When will I see you? 
Possibly never. 

Monday 11 April 2016


I can't find a reason to mend this anymore. I told her, "I can't believe it has come to this."  She said, "I saw it coming." And we talked and he shouted and all I hear was, "Shut up!" 

It was just another crack widening that which was already present. How much more till everything, everyone, falls apart? 

Friday 18 March 2016

You never fail, do you, to make me feel pathetically inadequate.

Saturday 16 January 2016

I love him with all my heart

A lot of things have happened over the past month(s) which were not what was expected and it kills me inside. It is still killing me to see people torn, the refuge of my life on the brink of collapse, overwhelmed by pride and ego. Why are you all doing this to yourself and everyone else? 

You. You preach love, but you put pride above it. You. You love what you do and you do what you love and told us what you love to do is fine as long as others are not harmed. But we are. We have been and I could not blame her because at that point in time, I can empathise with her. How she felt. It's betrayal and humiliation. And you were so scary. 

More scary than the monster you played when we were eight and you came back for a brief period. It was all fun and games until it is no longer fun now. You let yourself become a monster and I detest it a lot. 

I looked forward to seeing you home everyday and cried when you didn't because you couldn't because it was only for us. And I couldn't imagine how lonely your life must have been, and how much you must have struggled all your life, for the sake of others more than yourself and you do deserve to have a break but you didn't. And there are many things I am grateful for and even if I write them all, I don't think it would do you justice. 

That night I cried and cried and tears couldn't stop flowing out, and wouldn't stop flowing out because of how much of a changed person you are. We see less of each other now and you have changed so much and I couldn't recognise you sometimes, when you suddenly raise your voice. 

I know that you love us and I know that you care for us a lot and I don't know what else to say but I really love us to be together and would like for us to be together and not apart. 

No one is getting younger and we are all going to go someday but it breaks me to see her message that reminds us to take care of you and how much love you need from us, when the reality is that it's fabric that is slowly tearing apart and I don't know how to mend it. I really don't. 

Father in heaven, please hear me. I just want us to be lead by you, lead by love.